Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire
Please take a minute to fill out this simple survey form.
We appreciate your comments which will help us improve our services.

* denotes a required field

Your Name*

Email Address*

Name of Therapist



Which of the following best describes the bed side manner of your therapist.
Courteous Friendly Helpful Polite

Did your therapist conduct himself/herself in a professional manner?


Did you find it easy and convenient to schedule appointments?

Were clear, concise, unambiguous explanations provided?  Were medical terms explained?

On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the knowledge, competence and
professional skills of your therapist?
(1= poor - 10= excellent)


On a scale of one to ten, how would you describe your
physical comfort level during the irrigation process?
(1= intolerable - 10 = tolerable)

On a scale of one to ten, how would you describe your overall comfort level with colon irrigation?
(1= totally uncomfortable - 10 = very comfortable)

Describe the results you experienced after a series of colonics.


Did you research the price structure for Colon Irrigation?
How would you rate the cost of our services.
Yes No


Would you recommend us to an acquaintance?
If yes, who? We would be glad to forward our brochure or other literature to your contact via email or regular mail.
Yes No

How did you
find us?

How would you describe your overall
level of satisfaction with our services?

How would you describe your overall experience with us?  Feel free to share your testimonial.


Click the submit button one time only.  Processing the form will take a few seconds.